Metaphor Because to touch the wound directly is far too painful. Fragile  Dis-ease of the soul. Atrophy of breath. Brittleness
Things I Know to be True.... My higher self already knows. I am loved. I am supported and guided. I
It is impossible to be a genuine, kind person to others while being unkind to yourself. On the surface, actions
We spend a lot of our time as humans focused on goals. We spend time visualizing our next unfolding, our
What could we accomplish if we understood more about why we do the things we do? This book is bursting
Do you know that thing that happens to you at night, while you're busy sleeping? You know, the stories the mind
Raising White Kids in a Racially Unjust America I've always been interested in the subject of racism in our country
As moms, we tend to worry a lot about if we are screwing it up, or more accurately how we
The Sedona Method Do you ever feel like your emotions have a hold of you? Like they have descended from
What to do when you need to find your calm, but you only have five minutes? Meditation-Minis Anytime, anywhere -