Self Development

We all have it. That negative self-talk voice in our heads that talks to us all day long, saying really awful stuff. Most of the time we aren’t even aware how our negative self-talk affects our energy and our choices. Here are four powerful steps you can take today to quiet that voice and gain […]

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I was thirteen. I had learned how to drive a car that summer. Manual transmission/stick shift of course. Automatic was a luxury and for sissies. So I knew how to drive, barely. It was the first snowfall of the winter. Dad grabbed the keys and said, “Let’s go. You need to learn how to drive […]

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We are called upon daily to lead others. We lead in our families. We lead our children. We lead at church. We lead at work. We lead with our friends. But do you lead yourself first? How can you lead others without leading yourself first? When I see a business leader that is burnt out, […]

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Have you ever had the experience where something AMAZING happens in your life, or things are just moving along excellent, and then somehow suddenly even though you are flying high……you find these creepy, awful images filling your mind with fear? Like you just got a new job or promotion and then suddenly you start running […]

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    How often have you started the week saying:   “This week I’m going to eat healthy.” “This week I will work out more.” “I am going to get to that book this week, make some time to get back into reading.” “I will watch less TV this week and work on _______ instead.” […]

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I’ve always been interested in the areas of learning and productivity. I’ve attempted to build as much structure and productivity into my day as possible. This isn’t because I’m super rigid time ninja and love to follow schedules. It stems from a true desire to experience as much as this world, this life has to […]

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I’ve been having crazy great success with a new technique on habit forming. New to me at least. Its called Habit Stacking. The technique itself is not new. The idea is simple- pick one habit you already do consistently without fail in your day. Then add to the routine of the already ingrained habit your […]

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