We spend a lot of our time as humans focused on goals. We spend time visualizing our next unfolding, our desires. 

What if instead of picturing where we want to go and how we want things to be, we spend time picturing ourselves right here, right now, right where we are and loving every aspect of it?

Your life. Your home. Your current stack of bills. Perhaps a dirty house. Undone laundry. Your current problem or worry. Your relationships that nurture you. Those relationships that continue to challenge you. What if we could see all of this as beauty? What if we could long to be right here, in this place with every ounce of our being?

Be aware of the ego voice that says there is something more you should be, something more you should achieve. What if the job you have or don’t have, the relationship you have or don’t have, your current status financially, your current state of health and vitality was all you need? What if it is already perfect just how it is right now?

Instead of creating life from future anticipated outcomes what if we create it from only the joy we can derive from our current state? How much joy, how joyful can you allow yourself to be in your exact current state of mess and undone, rawness and uncertainty? What if the most difficult question you ever had to answer was am I joyful now and if not, could I be joyful right now? Just moving from one now into the next now with only a state of current joy and wonder without any care to the future outcome. What would that feel like? Now, ego gets a bad rap here as the one that is always pulling us out of now. But even ego deserves our love and grace. It is only trying to keep us safe and keep itself alive. Putting hate and shame on our ego voice only makes its neurosis stronger. Think of ego like one of your own children throwing a toddler temper tantrum in the middle of the grocery store. You can love it and still not give it power over you. You can love it and still ignore it. And when it comes to its senses you are loving its return to you, to calm and allowing it to be part of you in peace instead of resistance.

What if everything you are going through is preparing you for what you asked for?

We often think we should be there already, this place we think we are headed, this place where everything has come together exactly as we imagine, and we are filled with peace and ease.

Instead of asking why you aren’t there yet, what if you knew that this step was preparing you perfectly for what is to come? What then? Could you find patience and peace then?