7 Lies You Tell Yourself

We all tell ourselves things that aren’t true. We don’t do this on purpose, but they come from somewhere in our subconscious. Some programming was built in long ago we may not even realize is there. Here are the most common lies I’ve seen from working with clients.


  • I’m not enough.

I’m not pretty enough, smart enough, sexy enough, fun enough, rich enough, skinny enough, cultured enough, productive enough, giving enough, loving enough, selfless enough, religious enough, calm enough, witty enough, relaxed enough tech savvy enough. Whoa. We could go on and on. Here is the thing, you picked up these ideas along the way by comparing yourself to others and believing lies. You never once questioned your enoughness as a baby, toddler or small child and look at how much you loved life when you believed you were enough. You still are enough. You have always been enough. You just forgot.

  • I don’t know.

You know a lot more about this ‘on the fence’ situation than you admit. You know what makes you feel awful. You know what makes you feel amazing. Something has you scared to make a change, so its easier to just say “I don’t know yet.” or “I’m not sure.” Life is not waiting around for you. Change the question. What do you know? Of this issue you feel undecided about, what parts do you know about? Start there. Change the frame. What if you were the kind of person that did know – what would the answer be?

  • I need another degree, certification, or class to be prepared to do this dream.

This is simply a delay tactic for most of us. Once you have the basics for your education and prepared yourself for the dream or career path you desire, the chances that you need a third, fourth or fifth degree or class certification isn’t likely. This is a game we play to move towards something without having to really do it. It allows us to feel like we are taking steps without risking much. There isn’t a big risk in taking yet another class. There is a bigger risk in starting your own business. If you are fully aligned with the work you are doing, you were literally born to do this. You don’t need 5+ degrees and initials behind your name to do this work. It’s nothing but a deceptive delay tactic.

  • Other people can do this better than I can.

Other people can’t do what you do. You can’t do exactly what other people do. That is the whole point. The way you will do this dream you desire is different than any other person on this planet. If you are a writer, the book you write will touch others in the voice only you possess. If you are a teacher, you will reach students only you can reach. You aren’t made to do things better than your neighbor. You are made to do things uniquely the way only you can. And this gift will speak to exactly those souls who need you. Those souls need you to be freely creating and giving your gifts without fear or comparison.

  • I will be happy when __________________.

You will be happy when you decide to be. You will be happy when you allow yourself to be. If you are holding out happiness in exchange for some circumstance I guarantee you that circumstance will not bring you happiness. The happiness comes first. It is a decision, not an exchange. It is a change of heart in an instant, not the arrival after a long hard journey.

  • Money is hard to make and hard to keep. Money = Suffering

Many people grew up with money being a source of pain and suffering. Other people grew up believing that money is easy to make and easy to handle. This is simply a choice of what you choose to believe. One is not any truer than the other. What is true is what you decide to believe it is. Believe it is easy and it flows naturally in an ebb and flow and it will. Believe it is scary, scarce, restrictive and fleeting and it will be. You get to decide how it feels and your reality will follow your beliefs. You will find what you look for.

  • When I have more money I will have more freedom. Money = Freedom.

You will have more freedom when you decide freedom is how you choose to live your life. There are many people who have incredibly rich bank accounts who are slaves to their business, their mortgage, their toys, or other people’s expectations of them. There are many people who are financially poor who enjoy each and every day doing only activities they adore. Who then is truly free?

There are more than just these seven lies. What other lies do you battle inside your head? How can I help you sort through the lies, uncover the truth and help you reach your next level of gifts to serve the world?

In Love, Light and Faith,
