Ask yourself this question today as you go through your day.

Am I seeing or am I seeking?

So many of us get up in the morning and we have this list of things that we’re seeking for the day. So it could be we want to lose weight. It could be we want to get the promotion. It could be we want to repair a relationship. We have all these goals that we’re constantly working towards and we think (or were tricked into thinking by our ego mind) that if we just attained this goal, if we just lost the weight, if we just had more money in your bank account, if we just got out of debt…..if all of these things lined up, then we would be happy.

All I need is for these things to happen for me. Things to turn around today, things to go the right way and then I’ll be happy. We spend our entire day seeking and searching and yearning for something to happen that’s different than what we had yesterday. When we do that, when we are zoned in on all the seeking and the searching and the yearning for what we think will make us happy, we miss all the opportunity to see what is right here before us. So we missed the opportunity to see all of the moments that we have with our kids that are special to us. We miss the opportunity to be thankful for the money that’s in the bank account right now, or the fact that we had food for breakfast or a roof over our head, or if you don’t have those things, thankfulness for the fact that you have someone to stay with or you have a friendship.

So what I want to ask today, am I zoned in on seeking or am I zoned in on seeing?

And I’d like you to spend some time today just seeing what surrounds you already because then that’s going to put you in a state of gratitude. So when I’m able to just look around and see all the people in my life that I have the opportunity to love and be loved by, when I see all of the conveniences that I have. I have a car to drive. I have food to eat. I am healthy currently and comfortable and the weather is amazing.

Change your focus from that mindset of I have to have, I gotta have, I’m seeking, I’m searching, I’m yearning, and if only all of these things would line up for me, then I would feel good to …….what is already surrounding me that I’m not seeing that I can grab onto and feel good today? This one powerful shift is going to put you in the mindset, the emotional frequency to pull in more abundance anyway.

When we’re searching, yearning seeking, we have a vibrational energy of lack and things that are missing, which is just going to pull more into our lives that is only a sense of lacking and things that are missing. If you can raise your energy frequency to be one of gratitude and seeing how amazing your life already is. That frequency is much higher and we’ll bring in a lot more abundance that you’re searching for in all your seeking anyway.

I like mantras because they are a super quick interruption into our normal thought patterns.

Say to yourself today a few times today, Am I seeing what’s here or am I busy seeking?


If you enjoyed these tips and know you could benefit from a better mindset in your life, let’s talk about how I can help. Click the below link to fill out an application for a free Discovery Call with me. At the bottom left of the form is a button to schedule a call on my calendar.

Below is also the YouTube video on this topic from my Facebook Live.