What to do when you need to find your calm, but you only have five minutes?


Anytime, anywhere – a quick solution to that feeling of overwhelm, stress or frustration that is welling up inside of you. These are also great for preparation when going into a meeting or a conversation you want to be especially present and tuned in.

Hand on Heart – Simply place your hand over your heart. Breathe in deeply, exhale completely. Repeat calming words to yourself such as: This too shall pass. I am safe.I am loved. I am free. All is well. I am willing to see this a different way. I have made it through many obstacles. I will make it through this one.

Look Up – If you are struggling with a repeated negative thought, look up at the sky or ceiling while you try to hold onto this thought. You will find that simply the process of looking up makes it more difficult to think negatively. Try it!

Breathing in 4’s – Take a breath in through your nose for the count of 4. Hold your breath for the count of 4. Exhale out your mouth for the count of 4. Repeat several times. (from Gabby Bernstein)

Peace in Your PulseFind your pulse in your wrist or neck with your fingers. Feel your pulse and allow your breathing to calm and slow. Repeat a mantra to yourself as you continue to feel your pulse. Sat Naam for example is one mantra. It means True Self. Allow yourself to come back to your true self. You can also repeat other mantas if that one doesn’t align such as: I am peace. I am love. I only see love. I am light. Or my favorite mantra…BE Where You Are!  (from Gabby Bernstein)

Secret SymbolIf you have a favorite crystal or symbol why not wear it on a necklace or keep one in your pocket? Anytime you feel the need for centering it is right there with you. You can reach in your pocket, feel the smooth edges or feel it on your necklace and remind yourself of your calm center that is always there for you to return to. This could also be a cross or a peace sign, whatever is meaningful to your spirit, your journey.

The world is a fast moving, quick paced, and can feel like it is coming at you nonstop. The speed of information, change and decision making needs will only increase. It is up to us to put tools in place for us to remain grounded, centered and connected to our truth.

In Love, Light and Faith,
