Why Focus on Thoughts?

Anyone that has followed my posts and writing for any length of time knows I am 100% focused on how our thoughts affect our lives. It’s much more than just positive thinking as a nice way to live. From everything I’ve read and studied I believe that thoughts are just as real as the laptop, I am typing on. Just because we can’t see thoughts doesn’t make them any less real than solid matter. Not only do I believe they are as real as physical things we see and touch. I believe my individual thoughts are connected to others around me. I believe the thoughts I think can influence not just other people physically in my space, but even people across the world.

That’s what prayer is – right? Using our thoughts and energy, often in unison to lift up another person or situation that may not even be near us. I even believe that some of the quantum-based science is proving to show that our thoughts are more likely not held in our brain matter as individuals as much as transmitted from a communal energy consciousness that we access like radio waves based on our energy frequency. Sounds crazy? I’d encourage you to dive into quantum mechanics and consider that the biology-based approach to our humanity is only a glimpse at what we are made of and the power we’ve been gifted with by God, Source, All that Is, Spirit, Universe, etc.

Today though, I will instead just try to persuade you instead to start by just believing that your thoughts matter and that they matter even more than your actions.

Nothing that you can see, feel or touch today ever came into being as an object prior to first being a thought.

The chair you are sitting on. The phone you are holding in your hand. The lunch you ate. Not one of those things came into our reality without first showing up as a thought that popped into someone’s head.

Nothing that you’ve ever felt emotionally has ever come into being without first being a thought.

Someone hurt your feelings. That exchange was not only a thought in their head on their side of this exchange, but for you to feel the pain you first have to think or decide that what you witnessed was painful to you. It is the thought that caused the hurt feelings. Feelings don’t drop out of the sky upon you. They show up after you apply a thought to a circumstance.

Why do we struggle so much to create changes that stick?

Often when we want to make changes in our life we often bypass the thought work and jump into action. Applying willpower alone to change your actions will not work. Willpower is in limited supply and we use it up doing things like getting out of bed, deciding what to eat and not screaming at our co-workers. The only way to change your habit of action is to first change your habit of thought.

See the video for more fun facts on why thoughts matter so much.

In the video, I show you a couple fun physical experiments you can do in just a matter of two minutes to prove to you without a shadow of a doubt that the thoughts you think directly affect your physical body symptoms and potential. Take a look and let me know how these experiments worked for you.

I’ve included this worksheet you can use to do a Thought Audit today, and dive into how your thoughts are affecting you.

Do I have you convinced yet that if a change is what you seek your thoughts are where to start?

Look for next week’s post where I go into our obstacles to change and how to overcome them to implement the change you want.

I’d love to hear from you!

In Love, Light, and Faith,
